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Who are the thespian officers and what do they do?

Nicholas Mathias is the President. They oversee other officer positions and are the spokesperson for drama and the thespian troupe.

Anna Haberman is the Vice President. She assists the president and takes over when needed, updates the call board, coordinates activities/events, and promotes thespian membership. She also helps us to get recognized as an honor troupe by the Thespian Society.

Perseus Brus and Lainey Carter are our Secretaries. They manage all parent and thespian contact information, take notes and attendance during meetings, and log all thespian hours and points.

Morgan Bacon is the Historian. She manages the Instagram and website, photographs shows/activities, gets photos into the Tempest and yearbook, and makes the end of year slideshow.

Owen Carter is the Publicity Manager. He calls for designs of posters/shirts/programs, writes announcements for SEA-TV/the morning announcements, and manages printing/distribution of posters.

Mason Jones is the Theater Manager. They pick people to do tech work for productions not run by Shorewood Drama, connects techies and actors, and communicates between the director, theater technician, and technical supervisor.

Contact our officers by going to the "Contact Us" section of our website,

Do I have to be in the drama class to be in the club or perform in shows?

 Absolutely not! The drama class is a fun way to gain more theater experience and knowledge, but it’s not a requirement. 

When and where are drama club meetings? 

 Meetings are held every first Wednesday of the month during lunch in Mrs. Pottinger’s room (2504).

How do I get involved with tech? 

 Tech packets are put on the call board soon after the audition packets. Keep checking the Instagram page (@swdrama), the call board online (, or outside the Black Box, and keep an ear out for morning announcements for more announcements! Areas of tech you can work in are costumes, makeup, lights, grips, sound, props, and flies.

When are rehearsals? 

 Rehearsals for main stage shows are after school from 2:35-5:30pm. Dress rehearsals are between 5:00-10:00pm

Why should I be an usher and how do I get involved?

 Ushers greet and hand out programs to people on their way into the theater to see shows. In exchange for ushering you can choose to receive either volunteer hours or thespian points, and on nights when you usher you get to watch the show for free! Contact the house manager to sign up! (Check back closer to performance dates for information.)

Evelynn Huang, House Manager:

What is the thespian society and how do I get involved?

 The International Thespian Society is an honor society for high school and middle school theatre students. There are troupes all over the world, and Shorewood is home to Troupe #640. You do not have to be a thespian to be in drama club or productions. Requirements to join the thespian troupe are under the Thespian Troupe #640 tab of the drama page. 

What do the names on the backs of thespian hoodies mean?

 When you are initiated into the thespian troupe, your initiators give you a thespian name. Each one has significance and a story. Don’t be afraid to ask a thespian what their name means!

How do I get more involved in theatre in my community?

 There are many summer opportunities for theatre in the area. Many Shorewood students participate in Young Shakespeare Workshop (YSW) over the summer downtown at Cornish. No previous experience is needed and tuition is 100% free. Check out their website for more!