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Letters of Rec for College Apps

IMPORTANT:  we use Scoir for Letters of Recommendation for Shorewood staff, NOT Common App

DO NOT request Shorewood or Shorecrest staff in the Common App. You can list their name but DO NOT list their email address. 

screenshot from Common App showing how students should leave the email field blank

Counselor Brag Sheet Deadlines 

You should give counselors and teachers at least three weeks to write a letter. Every fall, we set deadlines for Counselor Letters which are at least three weeks in advance of common deadlines. 

It is NOT your recommender's job to track you down. It is up to you to submit brag sheets and to do all steps below properly. Be sure to include the date of your earliest application deadline. Brag Sheets should be provided no less than three (3) weeks ahead of a student's first letter deadlines.

 Application Deadline  Brag Sheet Due
 November 1  October 10
 November 15  October 25
 December 1   November 10
 December 20 - January 15     December 1


Expand each step below for detailed instructions

Rising Seniors can do up to Step 3 in spring/ summer. Wait until fall to complete Steps 4-8. 

Letters of Recommendation Steps

Letter of Rec Q&A

Resources for Letters

Letters of Recommendation Presentation guides you through the entire process, from asking for a letter to requesting in Scoir. Also covers what to do if the recommender is not on Shorewood staff. 

Teacher Brag Sheet make a copy, answer the questions and share with the teacher who will be writing a letter for you. 

Counselor Brag Sheet make a copy, answer the questions, and share with your counselor.